Product Portfolio
To be successful, a company should have a portfolio
of products with different growth rates and different market shares. The
portfolio composition is a function of the balance between cash flows. High
growth products require cash inputs to grow . Low growth products should
generate excess cash. Both kinds are needed simultaneously.
Four rules determine the cash flow of a product.
* Margins and cash generated are a function of
market shares. High margins and high market share go together. This is a matter
of common observation, explained by the experience curve effect.
* Growth requires cash input to finance added assets.
The added cash required to hold share is a function of growth rates.
* High market share must be earned or bought. Buying
market share requires an additional increment of investment.
* No product market can grow indefinitely. The
payoff growth must come when the growth slows, or it never will. The payoff is
cash that cannot be reinvested in that product.
Products with high market share and slow growth are
"cash cows”. Characteristically,
they generate large amounts of cash, in excess of the reinvestment required to
maintain share. This excess need not and should not, be reinvested in those products.
In fact, if the rate of return exceeds the growth rate, the cash cannot be
reinvested indefinitely, except by depressing returns.
Products with low market share and slow growth are
"pets. “They may show an
accounting profit, but the profit must be reinvested to maintain share, leaving
no cash throw off. The product is essentially worthless, except in liquidation.
All products eventually become either cash cows or
pets. The value of a product is completely dependent upon obtaining a leading
shares of its market before the growth slows.
Low market share, high growth products are the “Question mark”. They almost always
require far more cash than they can generate. If cash is not supplied, they
fall behind and die .Even when the cash is supplied, if they only hold their
share, they are still pets when the growth stops. The question mark requires
large added cash investment for market share to be purchased. The low market
share, high growth product is a liability unless it becomes a leader. It
requires very large cash inputs that it cannot generate itself.
The high share, high growth product is the "Star”. It nearly always show reported
profits, but it may or may not generate all of its own cash. If it stays a
leader, however, it will become a large cash generate when growth slows and its
reinvestment requirements diminish. The star eventually becomes the cash cow,
providing high volume, high margin, high stability, security and cash throw off
for investment elsewhere.
The payoff for leadership is very high indeed, if it
is achieved early and maintained until growth slows. Investment in market share
during the growth phase can be very attractive, if you have the cash. Growth in
market is compounded by growth in the share. Increases in share increases the margin.
High margin permits higher leverage with equal safety. The resulting
profitability permits higher payment of earning after financing normal growth.
The returns on investment is enormous.
The need for a portfolio of businesses becomes
obvious. Every company needs products in which to invest cash. Every company
needs products that generate cash. And every product should eventually be a
cash generator; otherwise it is worthless.
Only a diversified company with a balanced portfolio
can use its strengths to truly capitalize on its growth opportunities.The
balanced portfolio has:
*Star whose high share and high growth assure the
*Cash cows that supply funds for that future growth;
*Question marks to be converted into stars with the
added funds.
pets are not necessary.They are evidence of failure
either to obtain a leadership position during the growth phase,or to get out
and cut the losses.
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